Seminari Agnes Heller

Del 30 de maig al 3 de juny de 2005 es va celebrar a la UdG, dins dels actes de la Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani, el seminari The World / Our World a càrrec de la professora de la New York University Agnes Heller.


1. The World

2. Embodiment in the Western Tradition

3. Everyday life, yesterday and today

4. The phaenomenon of shame

5. Biopolitics versus freedom

6. European master narratives about freedom

7. The structural change of public life and the joke culture

8. The role of emotions in the reception of artworks

9. The two pillars of modern ethics

10. What is postmodern - twenty five years after

També participaran a les sessions els professors John Grumley (Sydney University) i Katie Terezakis (Rochester Institute of Technology).

Seminari Agnes Heller: The World / Our World

Resultats col·leccions

Cap resultat

The World

Class open access


Biopolitics versus freedom

Class open access


The Phaenomenon of Shame

Class open access