11th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion
11th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion
Organised by the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) in collaboration with the University of Girona, Dipsalut (Public Health Body of the Diputació de Girona), the Girona City Council and the Catalan Public Health Agency. The conference will bring together researchers, practitioners and policy makers in the field of health promotion from Europe and from around the world to network, exchange experiences and advance the theory, research and practice of health promotion.
Due to the pandemic crisis and its long-term implications, the conference was held in online format.
The conference focuses on the topic of Transformative action in a changing Europe. This overall theme has developed in three plenary sessions with high level keynotes or roundtable discussions. The first, Recognizing Health Promotion's contribution in a changing Europe reflects on what health promotion as a transdisciplinary field of professional practice has contributed to shaping public health in a changing Europe. The second keynote session, Reinforcing Health Promotion's capacity to address change in Europe focused on the professional competencies and organisational capacities that are required for health promotion to live up to the challenge of shaping public health in Europe. The third session, Rethinking Health Promotion to better address change in Europe, took a critical look at the points where health promotion needs to be strengthened so as to cope with the challenges of societal and health changes in Europe.
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