Taula rodona 1: visions de les persones treballadores, de les associacions i de les administracions implicades en el sector de cures
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First round table on different views of the working people of the associations and administrations involved in the care sector. With the participation of Professor Francisco J. Medina Diaz, responsible at the University of Seville for the Care4Care Project, Mrs. Saray Espejo Benito, director general of Cures, organization of time and equity in the work of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Mrs. Ana Garrido López, President of the Spanish Association of Personal and Domestic Services, Mrs. Anna Maria Hurtado Lopo, Director of Marketing at Vivofácil, Mrs. Esther Sagués Vigo, Spokes person of the SAD Union of Professional Municipal Caregivers of Catalonia and Mrs. Marta LLopart Garcia, technical coordinator of SAD and senior citizens of the Regional Council of Vallès Occidental. All moderated by Ms. Gemma Parera Álvarez, from the area of Equality and Social Sustainability of the Provincial Council of Barcelona