Seminari John R. Searle

Des del dia 1 de juny fins el 5, el professor John R. Searle (Universitat de California, Berkeley, EUA) ha dirigit un Seminari sobre la seva obra amb el títol The Human Reality and the Basic Reality: Mind, Experience, Language, and Society


1. The Central Problem in Philosophy: The Basic Reality and the Human Reality

2. Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy and Neurobiology

3. Intentionality: How it Works

4. Language and Meaning: Derived Intentionality

5. Language and Meaning: How Language Works

6. Collective Intentionality

7. The Ontology of Human Civilization

8. Free Will

9. Applications of the Theory: Human Rights

10. Conclusion: We live in one world, and it all hangs together

The Human Reality and the Basic Reality: Mind, Experience, Language, and Society

Resultats col·leccions

Cap resultat

Free Will

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Collective Intentionality

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Intentionality: How it Works

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