Seminari Peter Singer
Ethics: an utilitarian approach
Del 2 al 13 de juny del 2003
- The nature of ethics
- Normative ethics
- The expanding circle
- Ehtics and animals
- The sanctity of life ethic, I
- The sanctity of life ethic, II
- The obigation to assist others
- Ethics for one world
- The genetics revolution
- Ehtics and self-interest
The origins of ethics and the nature of ethical judgment
Evolution and the is-ought gap
Hume and Kant, emotion or reason as the basis for ehtics
Universalizability: can ethics have an objective element?
From universalizability to preference utilitarianism
Two level veiw
Against the use of intuitions to test ethical views
Human beings, sentient beings, living things and natural objects
Non-speciesist ways of separating [most]humans from [most] animals
Consequences: eating meat, experimentation, etc.
The embryo
The fetus
The infant
Brain death
The persistent vegetative state
Voluntary euthanasia
Seminari Peter Singer: Ethics: an utilitarian approach
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Mostrando los documentos 1-12 de 12