6th International Conference on Salutogenesis

6th International Conference on Salutogenesis: Advancing Salutogenesis towards thriving societies

Salutogenesis is the concept of the origin of health rather than disease. Developed by Aaron Antonovsky (1979, 1987), the concept focuses on strengthening individual and social resources that protect and actively promote health. In essence, Salutogenesis is concerned with creating coherent living environments, strengthening socio-ecological health resources as well as strengthening the sense of coherence of individuals and groups.

Four areas of advancement: To strengthen the knowledge-base of salutogenesis, the IUHPE Global Working Group on Salutogenesis produced the Handbook of Salutogenesis. During the creation of the Handbook and their regular meetings, the working group identified four key conceptual issues to be advanced – for details see the position paper in the Journal Health Promotion International:

1. How to advance the overall salutogenic model of health

2. How to advance the concept of sense of coherence SoC

4. 3. How to design salutogenic interventions and change processes in complex systems

How to apply salutogenesis beyond the health sector

The conference aims to

- Advance theory and research on Salutogenesis

- Share and discuss innovative approaches to the above four topics

The following participants are invited

- Researchers and experts with know-how or interest in salutogenesis

- ECIs (Early Career investigators in their first 8 years after completing a PHD)

- Students (PhD and MA levels)

Reasons to attend the conference:

- Exchange with a network of scientists involved in Salutogenesis research

- Advance theory and research on Salutogenesis

- Learn from salutogenic research, initiatives, implementations and projects from different countries and various areas within and beyond health

Interactivity: This international conference on Salutogenesis offers a highly interactive format with strong involvement of all participants. Thus, we encourage all participants to submit a paper in any of the formats described in the Call for abstracts section. You will be able to actively share, exchange and discuss the current trends in theory, research and implementation of Salutogenesis with colleagues from all over the world. Your participation will help to advance the concept of Salutogenesis and to enhance its contribution to health and wellbeing, sustainability and thriving societies.

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