Seminari Seyla Benhabib
Del 6 a 10 de Juny de 2005 es va celebrar a la UdG, dins dels actes de la Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani, el seminari Cosmopolitanism, Universalism and Globalization a càrrec de la professora de la Yale University Seyla Benhabib.
1. "Philosophy is its own Time comprehended in Thought" (Hegel). Beyond the Nation-State?
2. The Meaning of Cosmopolitan Right in Kant's Work and Western Imperliasm
3. The "Right to Have Rights". Hannah Arendt on the Contradictions of the Nation-State
4. The Contemporary Debate about Global Distributive Justice and "The Law of Peoples" (Rawls)
5. Can We Anticipate a New Global Covenant? From International to Cosmopolitan Law
També participen en les sessions els professors Neus Campillo (Universitat de València), Cristina Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) i Carlos Thiebaut (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid).
Seminari Seyla Benhabib: Cosmopolitanism, Universalism and Globalization
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